
My occasional, and largely disorganised, forays into the world of Cricket Statistics, as random subjects lodge in my head.  There will be irregular posts as art, bridge and County Championship cricket permit.

The Nightwatchman pages have been updated so they cover Tests played up to May 2019.

I hope to post updated modern stats soon.

Dick Harvey

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Happened to come across your writing on Chinese art while searching for info on the female painter Chen Shu. Would be grateful for any information you can provide on the source for the English translation of her son Qian Chenqun’s poem about studying by lamplight as Chen sat weaving. I’d like to use and cite the translation for a book I’m preparing for China Books (my publisher in San Francisco) on the history of Hangzhou (Chen Shu was from nearby Jiaxing), but your text does not indicate a source. Thanks for your help!

    1. The source for the poem is Weidner, Marsha (Editor), Views from the Jade Terrace: Chinese Women Artists 1300-1912, Indianapolis Museum of Art, 1988.

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